
Friday 1 April 2011

Peace Baby - It's a Zebra....

30 MARCH 2011 
I thought I would have another go at stamping.  I always though manage to mess up a nail or two, and this time was no exception.  Me thinks I need to practice more!!  But still, I was happy'ish with the overall result.  The kids at school certainly like my zebra nails as did the lady at checkout at sainsbury's.  I used for the base colour Peace Baby - OPI, this is three coats and it took so long to dry and still had some bald patches.  But since I was going to stamp on them I didn't think it would matter too much.  The black used is Black by Honeypot and the image plate is Konad M57.  Topped off with a coat of Seche Vite.
See! plate was too small, and I couldn't match up on the thumb!

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