
Saturday 2 October 2010

Nail Length and Condition

Hello all, sorry for being away for so long, but you know kids and work commitments do sometimes get in the way of my blogging. I hope to be on top of it now. Have some saved manicures to share with you all in the next few days and after that I hope to post my weekly manicures as I do them!

This post is about my nails and the length and condition of them. I have to say that they have been very good this past few months, and have managed to cut them back quite a few times now. They seem to have been growing quite nicely and at quite some pace and am very pleased with them.

These photo's are of them as at 12 August 2010. Not a bad length and the condition is good. There is not much discolouration as I have not worn dark colours so they look quite white?

Then I thought, right start again, and cut them back, and this is the length I end up with.Not a bad length, and I am sure they will grow back.

1 comment:

  1. I like your nails in the last picture. I wish mine would grow that long. :/


Thanks for looking.