
Wednesday 16 March 2011

OPI - Rumple's Wiggin'

Another change of manicure (2nd of the week!) as I got bored with my last one after just a day!
This time I am sporting a pale purple/lavender creme shade - Rumple's Wiggin' by OPI.  This is two thin coats, and I think, no, know, if I had taken just a bit more time, it could have been perfect had I applied it just a little bit more thickly.  But having said that it was opaque in the two coats I applied.  On my ring finger I did a taped off design, and here I used Overdose from the LA Girl Rock Star collection, a purple/blue/pink glitter in a clear base.  All topped off with a coat of Seche Vite.


  1. Love your accent nail! :) I haven't worn Rumple's Wiggin' in a long time now, I should whip it out again now that it's spring! :)

  2. cilucia: thanks. it did not turn out quite as I wanted but it was ok.


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