
Thursday 25 August 2011

What a Revvvolution :o)

Well, After the awful manicure of earlier this week, I am now sporting this lovely holographic by Color Club - Revvvoluttion.  The photos do not do it justice (the weather is awful here, dark and cloudy!)  But in real life you can see all the yummyness it it!  This is two coats and I am sure had I applied it a bit better even one coat would have sufficed.  I love it.  My right hand also has its photo in the post, can you guess which one?


  1. Black holo... love it!

    I follow your blog now for a pretty long time and maybe you followed mine on Melaniesnailpolish (The Color Palette), but I moved to a new blog that fits my ideas. Maybe you would like to take a look at
    Maybe I see you there :)

  2. @Irishenchantment: thanks.

    @Melanie: Thanks hun. Yes I noticed you had changed, am following you on the new one. Great blog indeed, thanks and see you there.


Thanks for looking.