Saturday, 30 April 2016

Prince Tribute Nails - One week... Still can't believe it!

Purple gradient. A week ago Prince passed away, I still can't believe it......

40 Great Nail Art Ideas - 3 Shades of Red/Orange - Fluid Lines

Week 30 of the 52 week 40 Great Nail Art Idea's Challenge.

The prompt for the challenge this week is 3 Shades of Red/Orange  and my personal pattern prompt - Fluid Lines.

I was in a hurry and this is not quite what I had in mind but here you go.  As it goes the red by LA Color had a gelly finish and so I ended up with a sandwich of the fluid lines.

I started off doing a gradient with LA Color Moody Red and Pride of London orange, but you couldn't see the difference really.  Then with the lightest orange I did some random fluid lines, topped it with another coat of moody red and voila.....

See what other participants did in this challenge via the inlinkz below:

Friday, 22 April 2016

40 Great Nail Art Ideas - Animals

Week 29 of the 52 week 40 Great Nail Art Idea's Challenge.

The prompt for the challenge this week is Animals.

Recently I have seen loads of animal print nails on the web.  I can't give credit to anyone in particular as I took inspiration from lots of pics that I liked and this is what I came up with.

For my base for the animal nails I used SH Shorely and then the gradient is done with a mix of brown, black and white acrylic paints.

The next two photos are without clean up.  Not too bad a mess and it was fairly easy to clean up as it was acrylic paint used for the gradient.


See what other participants did in this challenge via the inlinkz below:

Friday, 15 April 2016

40 Great Nail Art Ideas Challenge Collage - Part 2

As you may be aware, in October I began a nail art challenge set up by Debbie of Crumpet’s Nail Tarts called '40 Great Nail Art Ideas'.

I completed the first quarter of the challenge back in December 2015 and you can see the links to my nails here.

This is a collage for part two of the challenge which I completed in March 2016 (woo hoo, half way there).

You can click on the links below to see what I did for the second quarter.

25 December - New Year
08 January - Pale Blue Base With Chevrons
15 January - Things That Fly
22 January - 3 Shades Of Purple With Circles
29 January - Films
05 February - Aqua Or Turquoise With Decals
12 February - Love
19 February - Red With Dots
26 February - Fashion
04 march     - Pastels With Dotting Tools
11 march    -  Food
18 march    -  3 Shades Of Green With Embellished/3d
25 march    - Spring

Here is a collage of the nails as did in this part 2:

40 Great Nail Art Ideas - Pink & Lilac Plus Fishbraid

Week 28 of the 52 week 40 Great Nail Art Idea's Challenge.

The prompt for the challenge this week is Pink and Lilac with my personal pattern prompt of Fishbraid.

Colours were easy to choose and the pattern prompt seemed easy enough!  I mean I'd seen plenty of tutorials on how to achieve this look.  How hard could it be???

Well quite difficult as I found!  I just could not get my head round how the braid would work and which colour goes where so as to show a true braid.  I looked at many pictures, tutorials and even practised with pen and paper and even some ribbon.

I gave up in the end and found a great tutorial on a gradient fishbraid, so that is what I ended up doing.

I am not giving up though, this is a personal challenge and I will do a true Fishbraid manicure and post as soon as :)


See what other participants did in this challenge via the inlinkz below:

Friday, 8 April 2016

40 Great Nail Art Ideas - Kids TV

Week 27 of the 52 week 40 Great Nail Art Idea's Challenge.

The theme prompt for the challenge this week is Kids TV.

Ive been wanting to do this manicure for absolutely ages.  Just never got round to it.

So this was the perfect prompt this week.

I used to watch this show religiously every week, I remember it being on on a Sunday morning, very early.

The character is "a saggy, old cloth cat, baggy, and a bit loose at the seams...".
Have you guessed yet?

I can't believe that only 13 episodes were ever made, I remember watching it forever. It is reported that it was on our TV in the UK for 13 years!  WOW

Anyway..... here is my manicure.


Here is Bagpuss in the shop where Emily comes and brings Bagpuss and his friends to life:

Bagpuss, dear Bagpuss
Old Fat Furry Catpuss
Wake up and look at this thing that I bring
Wake up, be bright, be golden and light
Bagpuss, oh hear what I sing

The following two photos are without the flocking powder, I am so glad I covered in with flock, my hand painting is awful!


See what other participants did in this challenge via the inlinkz below:

Sunday, 3 April 2016

40 Great Nail Art Ideas - Violet - Fan Brush

Week 26 of the 52 week 40 Great Nail Art Idea's Challenge.

The colour prompt for the challenge this week is violet and my personal challenge is to incorporate the fan brush.

The colour prompt was challenging one for many on this challenge, what is 'violet'?  Does it lean toward purple or pink or in between?  I googled it and there were many explanations, still none the wiser, this is what I came up with.....

I didn't do the traditional side to side fan brush technique instead i swept the brush diagonally with the first two colours and then vertically and horizontally with the last darker colour.  This gives it a slightly distressed look?  I quite like it.

Also, below is the colour square I went with when choosing my violet colours.

                                    violet                                        purple



See what other participants did in this challenge via the inlinkz below.