Friday, 29 October 2010

China Glaze - Evening Seduction

NOTD today is this gorgeous, dark Evening Seduction by China Glaze. It is a lovely dark maroon/plummy colour. It was a little streaky on the first coat (but that may just be my application). The second coat I put on a little thicker and this evened out the colour. Top coat of OPI and viola, dark seductive nails.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

LA Girl - Disco Fever

Having seen fellow blogger Nihrida's post yesterday, I thought I would follow suit and paint my nails red.

I have many shades of red but I opted for this one which I had not as yet worn. It is LA Girl from their Disco brites collection - Disco Fever. It is a lovely vivid red. I would have left it at one coat as it went on fairy opaque but I put on two coats and although there is slight VNL, I am ok with that. Weather was awful yesterday, rain rain rain all day. So these are the best photos I could take.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

ASOS Paints - Megan

I wore this colour last week. It is from my ASOS haul a few weeks back. It went on a dream, lovely formula. This is base coat as per usual of OPI Nail Envy, two coats ASOS Megan and a top coat of Seche Vite. Looks like glass. Not bad for a £1 Nail Polish/lacquer.Unfortunately my camera does not pick up the true loveliness of this shade. This second picture is probably the best true colour.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Barry M - Instant Nail Effects

Just had to try this effect (after my daughter of course!).

Here are some pictures of this fabulous product by Barry M - Instant Effects Nail Polish. I got two for £5, a bargain. I have read today that OPI will be bringing their version out in January? A bit behind aren't they? OPI looks just like this one. The only difference I see is the price! I am glad I got my BM version(s). Everyone who has seen my nails today have been absolutely stunned. They all thought I had been to a salon! I wish.What do you think?

I made a video to show the effect working. This is the first time ever I have made a video, so please be kind.

China Glaze Custom Kicks and OPI A Good ......

.....Mandarin is Hard to Find. This is what I had on my nails this weekend. I have worn both colours before, but this is a new combination of the two. Two coats of each lacquer and a seche vite top coat and they were done.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Barry M - Instant Nail Effects Nail Polish

UPDATE My daughter put this on her nails (Green, Eyeko - Vintage Polish) The effect is just fantastic, she can't stop looking at her nails.I was out shopping today and popped into Boots. I was looking for Barry M Mushroom and or Dusky Mauve and could not find eithre. But I came across this new product by Barry M - Instant Nail Effects Nail Polish. They had an offer of 2 for £5 so I bought 2! Have not tried it yet but will do soon. Anyone else seen this or tried it? Be back soon to review it and swatch for you.

Monday, 11 October 2010

ASOS Paint - Lily

This is one of my new polishes I bought last week from the ASOS Sale. My daughter is wearing this one. It is a gorgeous green shade called Lily by ASOS Paint (by Ciaté). It is a lovely bright creme green shade. This is two coats and a top coat of Seche Vite. It was great to apply.

NOTD - LA Girl - Twinkling

Today I am wearing another one of "my never worn as yet" lacquer's. It is a gorgeous blue called Twinkling by LA Girl. This is only two coats as you can see VNL. Really should have done three coats but Strictly Come Dancing was about to start and I could not miss that! This was great to apply, not too thick. Top coat of Seche Vite and it is shiny shiny shiny.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

GOSH - Purple Heart

After having worn Sinful - Sharon's Heart for a few days, I fancied a change.....
....... I therefore went for another colour I have had for a while and not worn as yet, Purple Heart by GOSH. This is a lovely colour with purple and green shimmer running through it. It is quite decieving, in a good way. In certain light it looks quite black and then just a slight movement, and it changes. I loved this colour. This is two coats with seche top coat. See the Shine? Almost like water.Tip wear though, from one day at work! Using small white boards and pens, handling loads of paper etc, working in a classroom does have its downfalls. But hey ho, I still love this colour.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Sinful Colors - Sharon's Heart

For my first manicure of the this week, I chose Sharon's Heart by Sinful colors. It must be an older shade as the formula on this was quite thick, not a problem as it was opaque in 2 coats. I suppose if I had applied slightly thicker the first coat, that would have sufficed. Any hoot, this is a lovely burnt orange shade with a gold shimmer shot through it. This is just right for the horrid grey wet weather we are having at the moment.

OPI Peru-B-Ruby

The last of my manicures to last week. This, worn 29 October last week.
I have a HUGE stash of colours I have not worn yet, (well over a hundred if not more!!) BUT I still went for this oldie. A gorgeous pink-red colour.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

GOSH - Holographic

Nearly caught up with my manicures to share. This was worn beginning of last week.

I have had this since the summer and have only just worn this. My daughter beat me to it when I bought it (I also ended up getting another bottle in case I lost this to her!)
Finally, I have got round to putting it on. The formula was ok'ish. I needed three coats to get the result but it is so worth it. My camera does not do the nails justice. This is a real stunner and I am glad I bought my spare, thank you Superdrug.A Close-up of the stunning holographic effect.....Note to self "next time in the Highstreet, get another bottle."

OPI - Chocolate Shake-Speare

Another colour to share with you today.

Have not worn these subtle colours in a while, fancied a change and some chocolate..........

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Sinful - What's Your Name?

Another Manicure from about a week or so ago. See my shortened nails! But it is ok they are growing again :o) Anyway, this is from my small nail lacquer haul in September from Cherry Culture. This is a most beautiful black with blue/green glittery shimmer running through it. Love it! What about you?

Pink Sponge Manicure and the Chop

Another manicure to share with you from a week or so back. My Favourtie manicure technique I think. This is so easy and quick I love doing this type of manicure.I used three colours, Nails Inc Oxford Circus for the palest, Gosh Pink Rose for the mid tone and Nails Inc Embankment for the tips and a top coat to finish it. In all must have taken me 10 minutes to do.
A few days later however, my thumb nail broke, and I could not rescue with a patch and I cut them back.

Monday, 4 October 2010

OPI - Absolutely Alice

My daughter loves anything with glitter in it. She begged and pleaded to use this as she has had to cut her nails right back! To make her happy I said OK. This is the second time she has had this on. Luckily I got a backup in the ASOS sale this weekend, otherwise I would not get a look in!The colour is a bit more deeper in reality, but the weather is not good and I can't seem to capture the total beauty of this lacquer, therefore apologies.

ASOS - Sale and My Haul

ASOS have a sale at the moment and I took full advantage of this at the weekend. I spent wayyyy too much, but it was for colours and makes I could not otherwise justify buying. For example the Illamasqua which retails at £12.50 - sale £5 to £6.50, OPI £9.95 - sale £4-£6. I bought a few, and hope to swatch some in the near future. I also bought some ASOS Paints by CiatĂ©, A Barry M, Models Own and some Eyeko. Naughty me :o) But I have a chest infection, bad cough and cold so this retail therapy really made me happy (not my purse strings though).

I ordered Saturday and they came today. I must say their packing was not the best. All bottles were in a bag padded by the big plastic bubble wrap and that's it! One bottle of my OPI has a chip in it, but other than the rest were ok. Overall I am happy.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

LA Girl Flare, Flushed

Here is the first manicure saved and ready to share with you all. A beautiful summery bright orange shade by LA Girl, Flare Collection, called Flushed, and boy is it show stopping. I loved this colour on in the summer when I had a healthy glowing colour to me. This is on Nails that I cut down a week earlier, but it still looked pretty on my shorter nails.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

OPI - Purple with a Purpose

This is OPI - Purple with a Purpose. A gorgeous colour and I love it, shame my camera did not capture the colour correctly??Taken with my Pentax Optio camera, that I use for my nail photography, the colour does not come out as is?? What do I have to change on settings to make it right?These two photo's were taken with my mini-corder and the colour is as true to life as can be.